Web3 and Digital Assets
At the forefront of cutting-edge legal battles over cutting-edge digital innovation.
Emerging technologies in the Web3 and Digital Assets sphere have presented novel legal issues, particularly in dispute resolution. Our Web3 and Digital Assets practice focuses on helping clients navigate the complex and evolving contentious issues surrounding this new technology.
We combine our expertise in contentious disputes with a keen understanding of the legal issues involving Web3, blockchain and digital asset technology, cryptocurrencies, NFTs and DeFi, allowing us to deliver innovative legal solutions. We act for a diverse range of industry stakeholders, including Web3-native companies, entertainment and esports leagues on their Web3 and digital asset engagements. We further represented and advised large cryptocurrency exchanges, non-fungible token developers, and automated cryptocurrency investment advisors in connection with seminal industry events such as the collapse of the TerrraUSD and Luna cryptocurrencies and the hacking of the cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia.
Drawing on our expertise in intellectual property law, we further understand its unique interplay with blockchain technology. This allows us to advise clients on complex open source licensing and use questions, and creating and maintaining trademark rights in a decentralized environment. In the NFT space, we are in a position counsel clients on their intellectual property rights in minting an NFT and on granting license rights to NFT holders.
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